How to Manage Sales Leads Through Marketing Automation

How to manage sales leads through marketing automation

Before you have a loyal client, you have a lead.

Leads are people and businesses who become clients with the right amount of nurturing, connection, and opportunities.

But making that transition from a lead to a client is a very delicate process.

If you reach out too much, you risk overwhelming the lead. On the other hand, if you don’t communicate enough, you risk losing the lead’s interest.

In addition, you want timely communication. For example, if you respond to a lead in less than five minutes, you are 21X more likely to convert them than if you waited over an hour.

Does lead management overwhelm you?

Then let marketing automation manage sales leads for you. It takes the stress of lead management off your marketing team’s shoulders, so they focus on developing practical and powerful content marketing material.

Key Takeaways

  • Customers require a follow-up and nurturing after the initial touchpoint
  • Marketing automation saves time and money with streamlined lead management

Understand Your Leads through Automated Data Collection

The key to turning a person into a lead is understanding who they are and what they need, but data collection doesn’t stop there. If you continue studying a new lead’s behavior, you have a greater chance of turning that lead into a loyal customer.

This process is the first step in sales lead management.

Automated software to manage sales leads streamlines this process by monitoring your lead’s online behavior. For example, it can tell you a person’s search history, past purchases, and interests. Then, the system uses the information to personalize sales content.

You can also use this data to attract new leads. Lead generation is the second most significant benefit to lead automation, just under time saved.

Lead generation is the second most significant benefit to marketing automation

By personalizing products and sales for your leads and potential leads, you can increase sales by 20%.

For example, if someone’s online activity shows they are a parent of a large family, you can customize your sales automation to promote cost-efficient and convenient products and services. However, if someone’s online activity shows they are single and enjoy spending large sums of money, you can suggest large-ticket items and services.

An automated system sorts customers and leads into categories based on the information and past purchases, saving your marketing team hours of work. Then, it will automatically send messages and product promotions based on that data.

Nurture Your Leads with Timely and Effective Communication

50% of leads are qualified but not ready to make a purchasing decision. With strategic nurturing, however, you can convert that last half into customers.

You can use your marketing automation to nurture your leads in four foundational ways.

  • Collect relevant data to understand your consumers better
  • Use marketing automation to share content in a timely and appropriate manner
  • Distribute meaningful content that relates to each customer personally
  • Continue to monitor customers and update data to improve the consumer experience

You’ll see a 225% increase in sales conversions with lead nurturing through marketing automation when you go through these steps.

Lead nurturing isn’t a one-time tactic. Instead, it is a relationship you build with customers over the entire sales process as they move through the sales funnel. When done correctly, nurtured leads make 47% larger sales than other leads.

Nurtured leads make 47% larger purchases than non-nurtured leads

Automating timely connections, personalized messages, and instant follow-ups through a consumer messaging platform keep open communication between you and your lead. This connection develops a stronger relationship with a greater potential for converting the lead to a customer.

Pass Your Leads to Sales in a Fast, Seamless Transition

Once a person becomes a lead, the clock begins to tick. You have a tiny window of opportunity to pass that lead onto your sales team before the lead loses interest. Marketing automation helps speed up the handoff. Through marketing automation, sales receive 300% more leads every month.

Switching from lead generation to lead conversion comes with many changes. However, automating this process eases the transition. Instead of multiple representatives communicating with a lead differently, marketing automation gives your brand a single voice.

You can also guarantee new leads receive follow-up through an automated system that tracks and messages them. With the right platform, like what we provide at MXTR, you can even connect to consumers through an omnichannel messaging platform for multi-location organizations, giving each lead a relevant and consistent experience.

Track and Measure your Leads All in One Place

You can watch this process of lead conversion every step of the way through marketing automation data insights. Data collection is even easier with a comprehensive all-in-one program that ties the whole process together in one place.

With an automated system, you can generate reports and view valuable data, like:

  • Consumer activity
  • Sales insights
  • Marketing ROI
  • Network participation

These reports are available at every stage of the sales process so you can monitor the effectiveness of your sales strategy. Then, you can use those reports and insights to adjust your sales strategies. A fluid system allows you to reach the most customers because you constantly change with the times and trends to reach your leads.

Using MXTR to Manage Your Sales Leads

We designed MXTR to handle all your automated needs from the initial touchpoint to the final sale. At every point, your customers have a consistent voice and a timely, seamless experience. This reliability is what leads to loyal customers.

If you’re interested in seeing a DEMO of how this process works, contact us, and we can show you your potential sales return when you use our marketing automation platform to manage sales leads.


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